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Learning Story-2015年5月


May 11 - 15, 2015


Oliver is enjoying the process of mixing the cornstarch and water together, just as much as he enjoys the final product.  He is fascinated with this sloppy mess that appears to be a liquid and a solid at the same time. 


This is a playful science lesson and a really fun sensory activity.  If you run your fingers through the goop it is like a liquid, but if you clench your hand into a fist and pound the top of the goop, it will be as though your hand is hitting a solid object.  It is amazing!






Using observation and exploration skills, the teacher and children compared and discussed what was happening. She explained that goop has properties of both solids and liquids. As Oliver plays with the goop, Shopana uses comparison words such as thin, thick, wet, dry, liquid, solid and changing





1.         Children will measure, mix, touch and smell

2.         Children will communicate what they are learning while exploring

3.         Children will experiment with changing the consistency an colour by adding more water, or more cornstarch and some food coloring to the mixture




Cognitive (4.4 - Observing)  (4.5 - Questioning)

(4.8 - Communicating Findings)


Physical (5.3 - Fine Motor)


Communication, Language and Literacy

(3.5 - Using Descriptive Language to Explain, Explore and Extend)




(Early Learning for Every Child Today - Framework)


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